
štvrtok 26. augusta 2010

Invasion to Czechoslovakia, 1968 – KGB success?

Year 1968 and knowledge about Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia by units of Warsaw pact is still topic of disputes and discussion. The fact that Russians occupied our country without direct political resistance leads many historians and members of public to conspiracy theories. Public still does not know the whole truth and viewpoints; angles and opinions on this situation still differ. The result was clear. Occupation stopped political liberation of Czechoslovakia and supported new wave of socialism controlled by Moscow. But this whole action would not be possible without political manipulation. In this case, manipulation was affecting the conditions and factors, which will lead into necessity of communistic control and Soviet order. But in the hard times Cold war and insecure global situation it needed complicated tactics and good information about other actor’s actions. Political manipulation, which should have lead into securing of Czechoslovakia, was the game of intelligence and its covered actions. The act, that public could see, for those, who were involved, was familiarly known as operation PROGRESS and main actor and tool of manipulation became KGB controlled by Jurij Andropov as decision maker.

Actors involved

The specific actors in this “game” in Czechoslovakia which were standing on the pro-liberation, and pro Dubček supporters side of barricade were: Dubček himself and the members of government as Čiernik, Smrkovský, and during occupation president Svoboda,
intellectuals from public formed in KAN– Club of Engaged Neutrals, K231- Club of political prisoners, and influential and popular journalists, pro – liberation supporters and Prague Spring, spokesmen  as V. Černý and J. Procházka, and Štb agents, which were operating as counterintelligence and their task was to control the actions and operations of KGB on our territory.[2] About agents of westerner intelligence agencies we do not know much, because these information are still classified, but from internal complots and fights in Štb we can deduce, that many supporters of Prague Spring government were also working for other intelligence agencies. The major public was more witness, than active actor, because all of occurrence around the occupation and political change was quite confusing.  On this side of barricade were also NATO, USA, UN and allies of America as superpower and their intelligence.  Against, on the other side of barricade stood Kremlin, Politburo – with president Brezhnev, Prime Minister Kosyigin and ministers. Nevertheless, the man who was a mastermind of these actions was Jurij Andropov who controlled General Mitrochin and the whole KGB. Jurij Andropov was the man who knew first every single information and had power to manipulate with opinion of Politburo. However, as specific actor could also appear agents of KGB and section of FCD for foreign territories operations, but they were from Mitrochin sources only tools of Andropov´s actions.[3] On this side of barricade also appeared generals and military leaders of Warsaw pact army, which were involved into occupation, but is disputable, how well informed about this operation they were. After studying the political manipulation of Czechoslovakia by USSR and operation PROGRESS, there are 6 stages of this process and this operation.

First stage

The first stage was applied before the Prague spring and before Dubček´s government made the first steps. Operation PROGRESS was upgrade on operation, which was used in Hungary in year 1956. In this case, we can find several analogies, but shaping of the whole operation was different, because of the fact, that main operational structure, used, remained firstly, almost identical, but reactions of manipulated actors were different and dynamic shaping and upgrading of the whole mission had made essential process differences. The first stage was gaining total control of KGB over Czechoslovakian state security – Štb, and sending KGB agents, which were not recognised by Štb, from FCD – foreign missions department and section S- for covered actions on foreign territories to shape the situation on USSR orders.[4] In the first stage, they had to infiltrate to the contra revolutionary groups, to find connections and trails to the western intelligence and to find evidence.   The first manipulation stage and the step, which would be reason for Soviet reaction was, that after Dubcek´s appeal on government had president Novotny given dismissal. But this was an order by Brezhnev, which was given to Novotny after his visit in Prague.[5]  In this case as manipulation can be taken, that USSR supported steps towards liberation, because of the fact, that this way they could reason and justify their counter steps against the arisen situation. But they were afraid of public opinion, which was influenced by spokesman of Prague spring. Because, each widely spread idea or information, shaping public opinion, considered as truthful, can be the way, how to discard manipulator, or can be massive success of manipulator. (when playing on the side of manipulator) 

Second Stage

In the second stage we could see quite a failure from the intended action, but nevertheless KGB had luck and what firstly appeared as failure had lead into the success.
Government and Štb had found out, that KGB is trying to control the Štb actions, and O.Černík has authorized the action for shifting the Štb from control of communistic party into the hands of government. But KGB knew, that this occurrence will lead into the massive dismissal of agents, and gained information from dismissed agents, and many of them hired for KGB. The biggest ace they held was Mr. Houska, who as act of revenge, gave to KGB photocopies of essential documents about identities of Štb agents.[6] The failure in operation had occurred, when KGB agents failed to kidnap the tribunes of Prague Spring – professor V. Černy and J. Prochazka. Their kidnap should have looked like conspiracy by western intelligence, because both agents were acting like western agents, who wanted from these publicly popular persons to participate on their fictive and simulated anti – soviet action. They should have been kidnapped into Eastern Germany where they, in real, would have been executed by KGB section V- for “special operations” agents.[7] Back to the intelligence issue, our government attempted to purify our intelligence from KGB influence, but in the fact, they only achieved, that dismissed agents worked for KGB, moles in Štb stayed, many of them were promoted and moved on more influential positions and KGB, could through moles, manipulate with information administered to government. Mistake, that KGB did in this mission was, when concentrating on one solution leading into expected outcome, can be problematic, when not achieving expected outcome and actor can be weakened by concentrating on this exact solution and defeated by expected way, but on very high level, when not expecting, that second actor will act so unexpectedly, that it is absolutely out of framework of possible outcomes.

Third stage

Third stage was essential for manipulation with facts and providing false information. This action was called CHODOKI – “walkers”. In this stage KGB after gaining control over flow of information in Štb, started disinformation campaigns and creation of false evidence, which should have affected opinion of government and also public.
Firstly, false evidence, were fictive connections, used for discrediting KAN and K-231 (which had over 100 000 members and supporters), to western intelligence agencies and faked plans on American uprising. They had also given to editors of newspaper Pravda photos with American weapons, which should have been used on armed uprising.[8] In this case we can call manipulation the action based on misinformation and falsehood, when manipulator awaits current outcome, or reaction by using special “tools or actions”. Because, logically this process is based on gaining exact information, there should be exact tool, providing this information gain, involved. This tool in this game for decisions and competition between actors-manipulator and his victim – was intelligence, which task was to gain information and to camouflage their own actions. Intelligence was what made the advantage in being step forward. Czechoslovak government was quite inactive in this issue, but supporters of Andropov ,as K. T. Mazurov and A. Gromykov,  persuaded Brezhnev, that situation is intolerable, and he should persuade V. Dubček to make “special arrangements”. In this point it was also visible reasoning of possible overtaking of Czechoslovakia, because everyone was persuaded, actually they had direct information from KGB agents, that Dubček will refuse these “special arrangements”. The negotiations in Čierna nad Tisou, which lasted form 29th july to 1st august, ended, as it was awaited, by disagreement.[9] It was logical, because when he knew that he was covered by western intelligence, which was just KGB bluff, he could rely on the fact, that Moscow will be more careful. But his action, which he was intended to do, fitted straight into the manipulator’s game.

Fourth stage

The art of manipulation is, when those, which are being manipulated, do not know what is their position and how consequences of their decisions will fit into manipulator’s game.
It means, that only sophisticated and skilled manipulator knows the whole mosaic and web of lies, and has always alternative, like in chess for example, which will lead in outcome to success. Bad luck for Czechoslovakia was, that USSR had Jurij Andropov, the man, who informed Politburo about foreign affairs and controlled KGB.
In this stage were Russians arranging Warsaw pact allies’ armies training. This was their preparation for occupation. But when planning overtaking and political change on territory, there has to be found new politics loyal to the occupants. There was always band of opportunists, who were greedy for power and were ready to take chances. For Russians it was not very hard, because in in-party fight filtered many loyal politics, which wanted to risk for success, were opportunists and knew where situation was heading. These chosen politics were – V. Biľak, D. Kolder, A. Indra and J. Lenárt.[10]

Fifth stage

In this stage, from a point of view, that ČSSR and USSR were specific actors, came the in-group manipulation in USSR camp, which luckily helped manipulator to better handle the situation. It is hard to say whether other occurrence also played into his cards, but it did not matter if it was unconsciously, but he successfully handled the situation. Štb revealed the fact, that western conspiracy was only fiction and evidence was faked. This leads into consideration, that each decision and new step can be perceived as double-edged weapon. When manipulator and victim of manipulation are moving on the same level, or manipulated actor realises his position in this “game” or complot, can make some decisions and gain information, which change the position of manipulator and the one, who was manipulated, and actor, which was firstly manipulated can gain advantage, and manipulate with outcome. In this situation can manipulator, when realising and being assured, that is being manipulated can do possible counter steps, or go to direct confrontation with the actor, which revealed his manipulation After this, the chief of department of Štb -Frouz for relations with foreign intelligence sent the KGB agents back to Moscow. During this occurrence sent agent from Washington - Oleg Kalugyn the report to Andropov, in which brought information about position of CIA and other agencies and their missions in ČSSR.[11] In this report was, that there are no active missions in ČSSR, and intelligence or NATO is not preparing any uprising. Andropov did not presented this report, because it could have disrupted the operation PROGRESS and military intervention – and his solution.  But as we can see this information was vital in this issue, because it helped to proceed in the whole mission without any complication, because there was no thread of opposition. Andropov made for Politburo best, because when military intervention would be by Politburo cancelled, because of no possible thread and overtake by USA and NATO, it could be a motivation for western agents spying on Politburo, and their possibility to make counter steps. ČSSR was harmful and knew, that USA or NATO will not support possible liberation. But in these days before occupation was USSR acting very calmly. What Andropov did, can be considered, when Politburo acting as one actor, as in – group manipulation. Problem of using groupthink manipulation, is, that can be used to in-group manipulation in the purpose of becoming group leader and decision maker. This problem is hard to solve, because there is obviously competition also in actual group. Those, who gain first information, can be also those, who can manipulate with group. Many times are rational and manipulator expects sophisticated choice, no matter how, is leading into the outcome, which is unavoidable But in final, his decision was right.

Sixth stage

The whole process was in the end. ČSSR was in position, in which could not defend itself. The USA and NATO and their allies were not able to take action, because ČSSR was not so strategically valuable, to risk international conflict and eventually atomic crisis or nuclear war. Vasil Biľak sent the famous letter to Moscow, as invitation of Warsaw pact army and made himself Secretary of General Assembly of Communistic Party of Czechoslovakia and remained in this function until year 1988.[12] This letter made Biľak deceiver of our country and USSR could politically justify their political-military deception. 18th August had military leaders of Warsaw pact after having Soviet evidence on happening in Czechoslovakia agreed on military intervention. Czechoslovakia was intervened in night from 20th  to 21st August.[13] 21st August 1968 at 9 am was Dubček arrested and with leaders of government moved to Kremlin.[14]
They were displaced from their political positions and substituted by more loyal politics.
After this act started era of normalisation. Russians had us under control for next 20 years.
The act, that we saw only as occupation, because of the securing of our area, deliberation, removal of opposition, ideological rebirth and totalitarian “normalisation” was process, that was constructed by USSR in the role of manipulator and their tool – KGB and decision maker – Jurij Andropov has brought the mission into the successful end. We can assume, that in the espionage game, it was hard to know, what is manipulation, because when is manipulation successful, this act and outcome many times is not taken as effect of manipulation and those who do no have direct evidence are only “wandering” through the common and omnipresent conspiracy theories. Sometimes the victim of manipulation knows, that is tangled in the web of manipulators conspiracies, but still do not believe, or do not assume to himself, that situation would lead into the outcome or solution, that would just the way, that everything is pointing on. In this case Czechoslovakia took military intervene as extreme solution (which could not resist), but no one believed, that it would be necessary. Because the most successful manipulation is, profit without open, dangerous, malevolent or risky confrontation, which can lead into unexpected losses, when manipulated actor thinks that his achievement or outcome was inevitable and outcome is taken as his success, and manipulator’s outcome can be taken even more as success and evidence of manipulation is secret, which is held by loyal group of manipulators profiting from outcome of the situation. Despite the fact, that this action was not flawless and Russians had to do twist in their plans, no opposition against their moves made this situation their success. Intelligence had provided essential information and influenced the situation invisibly by covered action, which is why this whole occurrence can be called as success of KGB.


Christopher Andrew & Vasili Mitrokhin: The Sword And The Shield. The Mitrokhin Archive, Basic Books, New York 1999

 Dawisha Karen, The Kremlin and the Prague spring, Berkley, Univ. Of California Press, 1984

 Kalugin Oleg: Spymaster, My 32 Years in Intelligence and Espionage against the West, London, Smith Gryphon, 1994  

 Shevchenko Arkadii, Breaking with Moscow, New York, Ballantine, 1985 

 Gehlen Reinhard, Der Dienst, Koehler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1971 

Grabo Cynthia M., “SOVIET DECEPTION IN THE CZECHOSLOVAK CRISIS“, CIA historical review program, 1993,

Urianek K. - Michálková M, “Chronologie 25.8.1968-19.12.1968”, Komise vlády, 1991,

 Vlček T.,“Středa   21. srpna 1968“, webpage,

 Globalsecurity server, “Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia”,

Frost M., “Czech Republic: A Chronology Of Events Leading To The 1968 Invasion“,Radio Free Europe, 1998,

[1] Christopher Andrew & Vasili Mitrokhin: The Sword And The Shield. The Mitrokhin Archive, Basic Books, New York 1999,p. 259
[2] Between most active and popular witers did belong  lI. Klíma, P. Kohout, M. Kundera, A. J. Liehm, J. Procházka, L. Vaculík and V.Havel
[3] Dawisha Karen, The Kremlin and the Prague spring, Berkley, Univ. Of California Press, 1984, p. 78
[4] These agents, which were involved  into the year 1968 operation, had nicknames JEFRAT, GURJEV, ALLA , JEVDOKIMOV, GROMOV, SADKO
[6] Shevchenko Arkadii, Breaking with Moscow, New York, Ballantine, 1985 ,p. 45
[7] Christopher Andrew & Vasili Mitrokhin: The Sword And The Shield. The Mitrokhin Archive, Basic Books, New York 1999,p. 265

[8] Christopher Andrew & Vasili Mitrokhin: The Sword And The Shield. The Mitrokhin Archive, Basic Books, New York 1999,p. 270

[9] Urianek K. - Michálková M, “Chronologie 25.8.1968-19.12.1968”, Komise vlády, 1991,
[11] Kalugin Oleg: Spymaster, My 32 Years in Intelligence and Espionage against the West, London, Smith Gryphon, 1994,p 34  
[12] Vasil Biľak is still alive and lives in Bratislava, his son-in-law is Josef Ševc, leader of KSS -Communistic party of Slovakia

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